15 Automation Myths Explained


Automation is the future. It's a fact of life and we can't hide from it. But this doesn't mean that everyone will be affected equally by technology—and it certainly doesn't mean that automation is always od for everyone. In fact, there are many myths surrounding automation that has been proven false over time, and many new ones cropping up all the time. Let's take a look at some of them below: 

"Automation involves replacing human workers with machines." 

Automation is not a binary thing. It's a process, not an end result. And it's not about replacing human workers with machines; automation can make your business more efficient and improve customer service, but it should never be used as a replacement for your employees. 

"Automation will replace all jobs within the next 50 years." 

Automation will not replace every job within the next 50 years. While automation can be used to automate some tasks and increase productivity, it will not replace all jobs in the same way that assembly line workers were replaced by computers during the late 20th century. 

Automation may replace repetitive jobs with limited human interaction, but this is not a od thing for society. For example: consider any job that requires creativity or thinking outside of the box (like writing an article). These types of tasks require more than just typing words into a computer program; they require creative problem-solving skills which are essential for our economy to function efficiently in this time period when artificial intelligence has reached such heights! 

"Automation and AI serve a common al." 

As you might have guessed, there are some differences between the two terms. Automation is generally defined as a process where humans perform repetitive tasks, while AI refers to any technology that can learn from data and make decisions on its own. However, it's easy for people to confuse these two because they both involve computers making decisions—and since most people don't know much about computers, they assume that if something isn't automated (or automated), then it must be AI! 

"Automation is always cheaper than employing people." 

Automation can be cheaper, but it depends on the industry. If you're in a low-tech industry and have a lot of manual labor, automation may not make sense. However, if your company is highly technical or requires high levels of precision—such as car manufacturing—automation will provide huge cost savings over time. 

The same es for human capital costs: hiring and training new employees isn't cheap either! You'll have to invest in training them before they can start doing their job effectively, so automation makes your financial investment less risky and allows you to focus on other aspects of running your business more efficiently. 

"Automation can't be used in creative industries." 

  • Artificial intelligence can be used to create art. 
  • Artificial intelligence can be used to create music. 
  • Artificial intelligence can be used to create literature. 
  • Artificial intelligence can be used to create poetry, stories, and even dramas! 

"The jobs that automation is most likely to take over are the ones with lower pay and skills." 

The first myth is that automation will only take over jobs with lower pay and skills. This is false. Automation can replace any job that is repetitive, routine, and low-skilled regardless of pay or skill level. In fact, the jobs most likely to be replaced by automation are those that require higher skill levels (such as being able to read a technical manual) but don't pay very well: factory workers making products for companies like McDonald's or Wal-Mart; office assistants who do simple tasks like filing papers; maids cleaning houses at night after their day’s work in an office building has ended (these people make up over half of all domestic service employees). 

In addition to replacing these low-skilled positions with machines, automation also means new opportunities for those who can learn new skills such as coding—but this requires training time which may not always be available when there are no other options available on the market! 

"A robot will never be able to replicate a human's personal touch." 

The idea that robots will never be able to replicate a human's personal touch is a common one. In fact, it's one of the most common automation myths out there. While it's true that robots can't replicate human empathy or personality, they do have some advantages over humans when it comes to empathy: 

  • Robots can be programmed to be more empathetic by programming them with an artificial intelligence (AI) alrithm called deep learning. This technology has been used by companies like ogle and Facebook for years now to understand user behavior in order for their alrithms to make smarter decisions about what people want from them on social media sites like YouTube or Instagram; now these same technologies are being applied toward robotics as well! 

  • Another way that robots can mimic human behavior is through machine learning alrithms which allow them not just to identify patterns but also to predict outcomes based on those patterns—i.e., if one person likes your product then others will too! 

"If you lose your job to automation, there is no help or options available to you." 

There are many options available to people who lose their jobs to automation. Upskilling is one of the most common ways to prepare for a changing job market, and there are many online resources that can help with retraining. 

"Automation doesn't work in healthcare." 

Automation is being used in healthcare. 

There are many reasons for this, but one of the most important is that it can help with efficiency, precision, and safety. Automation has been proven to improve patient care by reducing errors and providing improved patient outcomes. It's also being used as a way to improve healthcare delivery by helping providers reduce costs while improving patient outcomes. 

"Automation will result in higher unemployment levels and reduce wages for everyone." 

Automation is not a job killer. It’s possible that automation will result in higher unemployment levels and reduce wages for everyone, but this isn't how it works. We don't see the same effect in our current economy because there are still too many people working who aren't needed to make things happen at their jobs. 

Automation does not mean that you'll be out of work if your job has been replaced by machines or software; instead, automation means that your job will be automated so that someone else can do it instead! This means that no matter what kind of industry you work in (food service worker or lawyer), there will always be plenty of other jobs available for those who want them - even if they aren't as high paying as when they first started out! 

"The rise of automation has coincided with a decline in productivity growth and employment levels for the past few decades." 

The rise of automation has coincided with a decline in productivity growth and employment levels for the past few decades. This is due to several factors, including: 

  • Rising education costs resulting from an aging population; 
  • Increased global competition; and 
  • Policy choices that have limited worker bargaining power (i.e., minimum wage laws). 

"Humans cannot co-exist with machines because they're too smart for us." 

This is one of the most common automation myths, and it's based on a misunderstanding of what people mean when they talk about automation. The idea that machines are becoming more intelligent than humans isn't new—it dates back to at least Shakespeare, who wrote about a character named Hal in his play Henry IV Part 2: "To think how wondrous this machine is! It hath such cunning in it as would make William Shakespeare break his staff if he could write this."

In fact, many writers have used this line to illustrate how technology has advanced since its heyday during the Industrial Revolution. Still, many people today believe that once AI reaches human levels of intelligence (which will be difficult), there won't be any meaningful way for humans and machines to work together any more—and that's simply not true! 

"You can train a computer, but it can never learn like a human." 

This is one of the biggest misconceptions about automation. While computers can be trained to perform specific tasks, they cannot be trained to learn on their own. In other words, if you are trying to teach your computer how to do something new—like generate invoices or write code—you'll need a human's input in order for it to be successful at its job. 

"'Free' trade deals are bad for economies because they eliminate jobs through encouraging automation." 

This is a common misconception that has been floating around since the eighteenth century, but it's time to put this myth to rest. Trade deals like NAFTA and the TPP have nothing to do with automating factories or replacing human workers with robots. They're about reducing tariffs and other barriers to trade between countries, which will make it easier for businesses in one country to sell products or services abroad—and therefore create new jobs at home! 

Automation isn't everything you think it is. 

Automation is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It's important to remember that automation isn't just about replacing humans, but rather improving their efficiency and productivity. Automation can be used in many ways: from simple tasks like scheduling meetings or sending email reminders, to complex processes like building websites or managing finances. 

Automation has been around for quite some time—and it's been growing in popularity for decades now! The first automated machine was created by Joseph Jacquard in 1801 when he invented a loom with over 50 different patterns woven onto its fabric using punched holes instead of knots (which required more effort).

In recent years, however, we've seen an explosion in new technologies that are able to automate more complicated tasks than ever before: ranging from robotic arms and drones capable of performing dangerous tasks such as inspecting oil refineries undersea during hurricanes; to self-driving cars which allow us freedom while still ensuring safety; even devices like Alexa/Amazon Echo which can order products directly from your fridge via voice commands so there aren't any buttons pressed when she needs something quick! 


I hope this article has helped you understand some of the myths surrounding automation. There is no doubt that automation is coming—and it’s not just ing to take over your job or change the way we work. It will change our lives in many different ways, but most importantly, we have to be prepared for how it will affect us personally and professionally. 

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